Monday, December 26, 2011

(Almost) Two Years in the Peace Corps in Review

Here I am with my host family celebrating Christmas Eve.
Can you spot the gringo?
Hoping that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Hanukka. I was lucky enough to be invited to spend Christmas Eve with my host family, a silly and fun adventure in and of itself. My main goal nowadays is to enjoy the last few moments here in my community, amongst my friends and work partners.

I dare say that now that we are approaching the arrival of a new year, it is an appropriate moment to reflect on one's life. So that's what this post is all about.

Some of my favorite magazine editions are Time’s “Year in Review.” It has been a positive experience, amidst the current dramatic turmoil of PC-Honduras, to do something similar and try to recap the past 22 months I have spent as a Peace Corps Volunteer in this fascinating, generous country:

Work Related
Book your trip now!
Classes taught: 8

Manuals written: 3

Videos made: 1

Volunteer events hosted in my site: 2

Tourists who have
visited my community: 300

Kilometers of new trail built:  5

Gain in profit at my coffee co-op from 2010-2011: L2,000,000 ($100,000)

Cultural/Honduras specific    

Heading to my bathroom...
1: spider larger than a tennis ball found in my house

1500-1600 : cups of coffee drunk

4 : buckets of coffee picked

1:  number of times I have been shocked by faulty electric installations

1/4 : bowls of traditional tripe soup successfully/politely downed

Personal Time

Books read: 35... top five:                        
  1. The Sun Also Rises (Ernest Hemingway)
  2. The Sex Lives of Cannibals (Maarten Troost)
  3. The Gone Away World (Nick Harkaway)
  4. American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
  5. The Sparrow (Mary Doria Russell)
Movies watched: 185 ... top five:
  1. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
  2. Death Proof (2007)
  3. Sin Nombre (2009)
  4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
  5. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)    

    Number of months without a personal computer: 7.5

    Apx number of hours of television watched: 25
    New countries visited: 2     (El Salvador, Panamá)

    Hikes in the cloud forest: 15

    Quetzals seen: 7

    Shots of tequila taken / shots of tequila regretted: 5/5

    Pictures taken: 2279

    Illegitimate children: 0

Things I will miss…
Plato típico = Standard fare
The natural beauty of the Santa Barbara Mountain
All things coffee
My friends and work partners, fellow PCVs
The Honduran plato tipico
The exercise I get on a daily basis
The quiet evenings
Getting piropo-ed (I don’t care if it was by 9th graders)
Gallina = culprit 1

The unease of travelling

Risks of being a gringo here in general

Milk products of Honduras

Gallinas  (chickens) and cohetes (firecrackers)

Cohetes = culprit 2
Riding buses in general

Having no cell phone coverage and being the last to hear about important news

The 60 year old female mayor of Santa Barbara winking at me and squeezing my elbow during meetings

Things I missed from the US… 

Dr. Pepper
Trash management
Being up to date on news and major events

Current movies
Ubiquitous Internet
Dave Letterman
Being paid in dollars
The comfort of public security
Being within my native culture
(Friends, family)

"I make America look good."
The fast pace and pressure/stress connected with trying to become a successful adult in the United States


Expensive consumer goods

Partisan politics

The economic crisis and not having a job

American television

Donald Trump

Will see everyone back home quite soon. Happy New Year's from San Luis Planes!

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh and smile. I was on the fence about eating out for lunch today, but I know I'll miss the plato tipico as much as you; so off to Betty's for lunch. ;-)
